Friday, August 17, 2007

Ordering Chinese, GODDAMN

yo i like chinese food as much as the next fool, but goddamn, i'm bout to go on strike from ordering that shit over the phone. no disrespect to chinese people who own chinese food restaurants in semi-suburban areas in the United States, but.......why the fuck do i always feel frustrated when i'm giving my order over the phone. most of yall know what i'm talking about...u always gotta repeat the order, giving the address is problematic, and forget about using a credit card cuz that shit is a nightmare. AND THEN THEY ALWAYS TRYNA GET YOU OFF THE PHONE MAD QUICK, LIKE THEY GOT MAD CUSTOMERS WAITING TO BE SERVED, FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM?? yall business is NOT poppin like that, fluck outta here.

again, apologies to anyone who i may be offended by this shit but i'm a little salty right now. i shouldn't have to repeat my credit card number 3 times over the phone. my food posed to be coming in 20-30 minutes...shit better be worth it.

- SN

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